Traditional gender roles outdated


Too often you see people belittle women and make them out to be the weaker, inferior sex. This couldn’t be farther from the truth, as females are capable of doing what they please, just as males are.

History has always portrayed women as submissive, “perfect housewives.” While this isn’t as big of an issue as it may have been in the past, it’s still prevalent in today’s culture.

I think this idea is beyond outdated and should have been long gone by now. The “traditional roles” of a stay-at-home mother and bread-winning are still being drilled into some young people’s minds.

In many situations, this notion is obsolete and puts so many limits on the possibilities of young girls’ futures. They should be able to make their own decisions about what they want to do with their lives and not be pressured or forced into doing something they may regret later.

Many girls nowadays feel they need boyfriends or some kind of male companion to be whole. I feel like we should be teaching young girls how to be independent instead of instilling in them that they need a man to be relevant. Females should feel liberated and confident and they should know that they can do anything males can do just as well, contrary to popular belief.

Females deserve the same amount of respect as males do. I think people need to work together to end the idea that women are inferior and less capable than men and take a leap into the realm of equality.