Interesting facts

1. The original meaning of the word “silly” means “blessed” or “happy.”

2. A bank robber was captured after he posted a picture of himself with stolen cash on Instagram.

3. It took the inventor of the Rubik’s Cube one month before he was able to solve the Cube for himself.

4. In Germany, publicly denying the Holocaust earns a prison sentence.

5. Gummy worms can be used as fish bait.

6. Robin Williams ashes were scattered on the San Francisco Bay.

7. The name “Vader” from Star Wars in German means “Father.”

8. The expiration date on a water bottle is for the bottle, not the water.

9. Brad Pitt’s first job was dancing in a chicken suit to draw customers in at El Pollo Loco.

10. The “Grey School of Wizardry” in California is the first wizard school to be officially recognized as an academic establishment.

11. If you mouth the word “colorful” to someone, it will look like you’re saying, “I love you.”

12. Marilyn Monroe used to stutter but overcame it on her own at the age of 16.

13. M&Ms were invented in 1941 as a means for soldiers to enjoy chocolate without it melting.

14. The youngest known person to ever get divorced was only 10 years old.

15. There are over 87,000 different drink combinations at Starbucks.

16. In 2005, a man named Ronald MacDonald actually robbed a Wendy’s

17. As a child, Beyonce charged her parents’ house guests $5 each to watch her perform.

18. Rats laugh when you tickle them.

19. The Queen of England owns a drive-through McDonalds restaurant.

20. Steve Jobs held important business meetings while walking. The reason being that brains worked better while the body was physically active.

21. The longest movie ever made is 85 hours long and titled, “The Cure for Insomnia.”

22. A study found that men in their twenties feel more emotional pain after a breakup than women do.

23. You could circle the world 14 times with the amount of Nutella produced in one year.

24. It takes 1 million plays on Pandora for a songwriter to earn $90 off that song.

25. “Friendstalker” was one of the early names considered for Twitter.

26. The word “bae” is the Danish word for “poop.”

27. There are currently more than 300 registered superheroes in the United States.

28. “Kryptonite” was invented because Superman’s original voice actor wanted time off and the only way to do this was to make Superman sick.

29. Mexico once had three presidents in a single day.

30. A baby octopus is about the size of a flea at birth.

31. There is a city in Turkey called, “Batman.”

32. Nomophobia is the fear of being without your cellphone or being out of mobile phone contact.

33. Pac-Man is in fact modeled after a pizza with one slice removed.

34. Walt Disney World is the second largest purchaser of explosives in the United States after the Department of Defense.

35. McDonalds serves about 1% of the world’s population daily.