Hays High School's Official Student Newspaper

The Guidon Online

Hays High School's Official Student Newspaper

The Guidon Online

Hays High School's Official Student Newspaper

The Guidon Online

Sophomore Alicia Feyerherm looks at a Scholars Bowl practice book. This is Feyerherms second year participating in Scholars Bowl.

Scholar’s Bowl season starts after tryouts

Anna Brull, Staff Reporter August 31, 2018

Tryouts for the Scholar’s Bowl team were held on Aug. 29 during seminar. The tryout process consisted of a test with 46 random questions on it. Results were based off of how many questions each student...

Chess Club will be held in the library every Thursday after school at 3:15

Chess Club provides new outlet for students

Cody Conger, Staff Reporter August 30, 2018

Your bishop was just taken out, your opponent fell for the bait as you cleverly steal their rook. A few moves later you have them in check. Chess is an intellectual game that challenges the brain and is...

Rather than having one guitar club group it was split into two-- advanced and beginner.

Guitar club features beginner, advanced groups

Kalyssa Boyle, Staff Reporter August 29, 2018

Guitar club has split into two separate clubs this year due to differences in skill level. “I would imagine it’s going to make it more enjoyable for everybody,” sponsor Matthew Whitney said. “This...

Instructor Erin Deenihan speaks to the parents of her Advanced Algebra II class about their Canvas page. Parents were told how students can use this page for ACT prep as well as catching up on classes missed.

Open house and Post-Secondary Planning meeting organized to help parents

Isabelle Braun, Editor-in-Chief August 28, 2018

The Post-Secondary Planning meeting and open house took place on Aug. 27, and they were both designed to help parents understand more about their students options. "The open house was an option for...

List of the classes offered for concurrent credit this semester.

Concurrent credit enrollment in the library

Rebekah Porter, Staff Reporter August 28, 2018

Enrollment for concurrent credit courses took place in the Hays High library from noon to 5:30 p.m. on Aug. 22. Concurrent credit means students earn both high school and college credit while they are...

Students watch Back To The Future on the football field after Maroon and Gold. The movie started at 10 p.m. with a $2 admission fee. Around 70 students attended.

StuCo’s Back-To-School Bash draws 70 students to football field

Alicia Feyerherm, Staff Reporter August 28, 2018

StuCo’s Back-To-School Bash drew around 70 students to the football field Friday after Maroon and Gold. “It was a good turnout,” Instructor Alicia Brungardt said. “Not as high as we would’ve...

Senior Peyton Thorrel grabs breakfast from the Grab-and-Go Breakfast Cart before school. The cart runs 7:25 to 7:51 every morning.

Grab-and-Go Breakfast Cart offers convenient breakfast options for students

Anna Brull, Staff Reporter August 24, 2018

Students will now be able to easily grab breakfast between 7:25 a.m. and 7:51 a.m. from the Grab-and-Go Breakfast Cart. The cart will be by the library on maroon days and in the commons area on gold...

Since the new rule was put in place, some instructors have asked students to wait in the hall leading to the Cafeteria. Junior Tasiah Nunnery said not all instructors have done this.

New lunch policy keeps students in Cafeteria instead of hall

Isabelle Braun, Editor-in-Chief August 23, 2018

Before the 18-19 school year began, the decision was made to keep students in the Cafeteria for the full 20 minutes of lunch rather than allow them to go to the hall. "Students will need to eat lunch...

Seniors Madyson Flax and Kallie Leiker pull weeds in the outdoor classroom. All officers helped clean the patio on Aug. 9.

StuCo officers, sponsors meet to discuss future activities, clean library patio

Alicia Feyerherm, Staff Reporter August 23, 2018

Student Council (StuCo) officers met with instructors Alicia Brungardt and Kathy Wagoner Aug. 9 from 9 a.m. to noon to plan StuCo activities for the following year and clean out the library patio. Officers...

Students checked out their Dell Latitude computers during their GPS class.

Students receive new Dell Latitude computers

Allison Brooks, Staff Reporter August 23, 2018

The Board of Education voted last April on what device to purchase for the next school year and the Dell Latitudes won in a 5-2 vote. “I think the school board made the right decision,” Instructional...

During the StuCo meeting on Aug. 21, officers discussed the Back-to-School Bash and Homecoming committees. Leading the meeting was President Peyton Thorell, senior, and Vice President Shyann Schumacher, senior.

Back-to-School Bash kicks of fall semester actvities

Isabelle Braun, Editor-in-Chief August 21, 2018

"Back to the Future" will be played on the football field at 10 p.m. after the Maroon and Gold Kickoff of Aug. 24. There will be a $2 entry fee which includes a bag of popcorn upon entry. All proceeds...

Substitute for Diane Masons English classes prepares papers for students.

Long term substitutes’ first days settle nerves

Allison Hillebrand, Associate Editor August 20, 2018

For the beginning of the year, many teachers must settle into a routine for class. In certain cases, however, teachers are in need of a substitute to take their place during the first weeks of school. Substitute...

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