5 weird cults you may have never heard of

  1. The Manson Family

manson family

The Manson Family is one of the most notorious cults in the United States. Led by Charles Manson, the group established themselves at Spahn Ranch in California in the late 1960s. After listening to “The White Album” by the Beatles, Manson became convinced that he was being told by the band to set off an apocalyptic race war. This prompted him to convince several of the cult members to commit several murders, including the infamous LaBianca and Tate murders. The group then tried to frame several members of the Black Panther Party, but many were caught and arrested. Four of the cult members, including Manson, were given prison sentences. Manson is still imprisoned today in California.


  1. Oneida Community


The Oneida Community was a religious commune founded in Oneida, New York, in 1848. Though they practiced complex marriage and mutual criticism, women were seen as equal to men and had many freedoms unusual for the time period. Oneida began manufacturing silverware in 1877, and were a large employer for the area. The community disbanded in 1881, but today Oneida is still one of the largest silverware manufacturers in North America.


  1. Heaven’s Gate

heaven's gate

Heaven’s Gate was created as a UFO religious group in the mid 1970s after Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles decided their meeting was foretold by extraterrestrials. Members believed their bodies were just a way of carrying their souls until they could leave the Earth by UFOs and go to the “Next Level.”  They were also expected to give up their possessions and live communally. In 1997, 39 members of the group committed mass suicide in order to ascend to the “Next Level” as the Comet Hale-Bop passed overhead. Only one of the group’s members did not commit suicide, and the group still has an actively maintained website today.


  1. Branch Davidians

branch davidians

The Branch Davidians were formed in 1955 and believed that they were living in a short time frame before the Second Coming of Christ. The group rose to prominence in 1993 when leader David Koresh held a 51 day standoff against federal agents in Waco, Texas. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives obtained a search warrant after the cult was suspected of firearms abuse. When they couldn’t gain entry to the compound, the FBI became involved, eventually attacking with tear gas in an attempt to force the group out. During the attack, a fire started inside the compound, killing everyone inside. The FBI’s actions against the Branch Davidians are believed to have been a motivation for the Oklahoma City Bombing, which took place exactly two years later.


  1. Scientology


One of the most well-known religious organizations today, Scientology was formed in 1955 by science-fiction author L. Ron Hubbard. The religious doctrine follows a theory created by Hubbard called dianetics. Scientology is famous for having many celebrity members, including John Travolta, Tom Cruise, Laura Prepon and Priscilla Presley. There are many ongoing debates about whether it should be considered a cult or a church. The group is often a subject of controversy due to many ongoing reports of criminal activity, stalking, violating confidentiality agreements and harassment of former members.